Conservation Corner

Pollinator Garden to be Established in Rapid City

Pollinator Garden to be Established in Rapid City

With funding from the State of Michigan, the Kalkaska Conservation District (KCD) has granted an award to the Clearwater Community Marketplace to establish a permanent pollinator garden near Rapid City.

Spring Into Gardening and Seed Library News

Spring Into Gardening and Seed Library News

Now that spring has officially arrived, the Kalkaska Conservation District has recently organized a series of gardening-based events and seed exchanges, igniting enthusiasm and embracing spring fever. While it is a little too early to put plants in the ground, these events bring together all levels of gardeners to exchange seeds, knowledge, and stories.

What’s the Difference Between Antlers and Horns?

What’s the Difference Between Antlers and Horns?

The words “antlers” and “horns” on deer and other animals are often used interchangeably. But there are distinct differences. Horns are not just antlers on a different animal, or vice versa. However, there are many similarities between the two.

More Animals That Migrate: Who Knew?

More Animals That Migrate: Who Knew?

During the winter months, amidst the piles of snow, we notice a few animals missing from the environment. Some are sleeping during the coldest days, emerging on sunny, warm days, and some are true hibernators. Other animals, such as hummingbirds, warblers and monarch butterflies are migrators, leaving the snow and cold behind for warmer climes.

Bird Feeding 101: The Basics

Bird Feeding 101: The Basics

The temperature is dropping, and any day now, snowflakes will be in the air. Very soon the ground will be covered. Our feathered friends could use your help! Whether you are new to bird feeding, or a seasoned pro, there are many things to consider as you set up or add to your feeding stations. Here are just a few tips…